Drew Brees Bends the Knee to the Outrage Mob

Drew Brees Criticized for Calling Kneeling During the Anthem ...
Picture of New Orleans Saints Quarterback Drew Brees after a game against the Carolina Panthers.

It has been four days since New Orleans Saints Quarterback Drew Brees gave his infamous interview with Yahoo Finance where he came out against players who have kneeled during the National Anthem. 

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country.” said Brees. 

Many athletes and sports media personalities expressed their outrage, and they were appalled that Brees would stoop so low to express how he feels about this issue, especially when the media wants athletes to use their platforms and speak out. 

The hypocrisy by the woke sports media is shocking but at this point it’s not really surprising anymore. 

After all, these are the same people who wanted to cancel West Point Cadets for playing the freaking circle game at the Army-Navy game last fall, but have no problem with Chairman James, Comrade Kerr, and Gregg “People’s Republic” Popovich providing cover for the murderous Chinese Communist Party. 

Now you may think to yourself while reading the rest of this blog that I am an asshole, and that’s ok. I don’t care. You are entitled to your opinion just as much as I am entitled to my opinion and Drew Brees is his. 

If you’ve made it this far you can probably tell where this blog is headed. I disagree with the kneeling during the National Anthem. I think it is disrespectful to people who have fought and died for this country and their families, and also to people who have made huge sacrifices for this country like people who fought for suffrage, civil rights and equality. I also believe there are a lot of good cops who do their jobs to the best of their abilities, including members of my family who are police officers, and who are minorities. I know that they are hurting for what happened to George Floyd, and they are also pissed that their reputations and the reputations of other good police officers have been tarnished by that asshole cop in Minneapolis. 

With all that being said, I can also understand where these black athletes are coming from and their reason for kneeling. My quarrel is not with them. I’m just a white kid from Southern California. I don’t know what these men and women have gone through in their lives, and their encounters with the police, and the racism they have endured. They want to be heard and by kneeling this is their way to get their point across. That’s why Colin Kaepernick kneeled (I guess, I think he was very disingenuous, but that’s a blog for another time.) and why other players knelt, and I totally support their first amendment right to free speech, and I understand their criticism of Brees. I just wish there was a different way to go about the protesting. 

My problem is with the woke sports media and how they have decided that they are judge and jury, and that they should make an example out of Drew Brees. These are the same people who have defended Kaepernick for the past three years, and have said that anybody who didn’t agree with the mob should be shunned and canceled. 

These people who are trying to cancel Drew Brees are ignoring the fact that he has done many great things for the predominantly black city of New Orleans. He helped New Orleans rebuild after Hurricane Katrina, he led them to their only Super Bowl championship, and this past offseason he donated $5 Million to New Orleans for COVID-19 relief funds. Yet, he is called a racist for expressing his opinions.

By trying to cancel Drew Brees they are setting a really bad precedent for any athlete or media personality who wants to express an opinion that is outside the mainstream or the leftist sports media mindset. That’s why many athletes don’t speak out on issues because they are afraid of being canceled. All Brees said was that he disagreed with the kneeling because of what the flag means to him. It reminds him of his Grandfather’s who fought Nazis in World War II, and it reminds him of people who have sacrificed so much for this country like soldiers, civil rights leaders, and suffragists. You may disagree with he said, but that’s no reason to cancel him. It was wrong when the right tried to cancel Kaepernick and it’s wrong that the left is trying to cancel Brees. 

There is a great quote from Mark Twain where he says “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Sports media, please pause and reflect and think about what you are doing. Check yourselves. Let’s not add another person to cancel culture’s body count. 

As for Drew Brees, he should’ve never bent the knee to the rage mob. That’s what they want. They want him to shut up and throw. When the media, or anyone for that matter, try to cancel you, tell them to go f**k themselves. This is advice for anyone reading this to follow. Drew Brees is Exhibit A when it comes to the consequences of giving in to the rage mob. They have humiliated him and his family for the past four days, making him apologize three times, making his wife apologize, and making them beg for forgiveness that they will never receive. Brees should’ve had some backbone and stood up for what he believed in instead of giving a disingenuous apology.

I wish we lived in a time where you could be able to apologize for your screw ups, but during this day in age there can never be any apologies. It only fuels the rage mob. So the moral to this story is if anyone tries to cancel you, tell them that they are number one. 

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